I recently watched a man of God talk about a term that I’ve never heard before, but yet it’s very biblical. This term was a divine disruptor. The connotation of the term divine means “of or connected to God”. The term disruptor, according to the Oxford Languages Dictionary, means “a person or thing that interrupts an event, activity, or process by causing a disturbance or problem”. Throughout scripture there are surprisingly many stories where God used a person to disrupt occurrences that were happening that were unfavorable. He used Samson to fight against the Philistines (Judges 15:14-16). He used Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to uphold His standard of not worshipping any other gods through their refusal to bow to King Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 3:1-30) Yet the ultimate divine disruptor was Jesus. He challenged and disrupted the religious systems of the scribes and Pharisees.(Matthew 23:1-34).
These particular passages of scripture show the unapologetic boldness that each of these men had to uphold the Lord’s standards. Samson wasn’t afraid when a thousand Philistines came after him. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego didn’t compromise by bowing even though they knew there would be consequences for not doing so. Then there was Jesus, He went in on the scribes and Pharisees, their ministry, and how hypocritical it was. He had downright righteous indignation with the words He used to speak against them. This was mainly because they were causing people to err and having them to look to man and not to the Lord.
Now, here we are in today’s society. Many have the ideology of live and let live. Many falsely believe that love isn’t warning or correcting. It’s more so condoning and letting people do what they want. A mentality that God loves them and so do I. God loves us, but He isn’t an enabler. God loves us, but He chastens us according to the relationship we have with Him. The key word is through our relationship and us taking heed to His correction and rebuke whether through life situations, His Word, or even one of His servants.
There are many things also happening with Covid and laws being passed that seek to mandate the vaccine as a requirement or people can lose their jobs. We have laws being passed that try to censor men and women of God from preaching on certain sins and lifestyles. We have laws that have been passed that give others free range to live their lives, but have placed a target on Christians that live according to the bible. Also, many Christians are martyred in third world countries because they won’t renounce the Christian faith.
Yet, and still, the Lord is seeking those who will stand up and speak out on the travesties of this world. He is looking for those who will point people that don’t know Him towards Him. To point people that walked away from Him, back to Him, and to point people who think they know Him, but have put another human being as a substitute for Him, back to Him. So my question is are you willing to be a divine disruptor? The Lord is beckoning whoever will come to come.