On last week, a popular children’s advocate pinned a Facebook post that vexed me. She wrote, “Adults are not entitled to children’s respect. They must earn it”-Dr. P.. The post did not end there. She made a valid point by saying disrespectful parents raise disrespectful children. However, that is not always the case. Some parents are doing their best in order to raise respectful children, but are not getting the desired results. Unfortunately, the culture and our society are promoting disrespect towards parents. Dr. P. is an exceptional college professor at a prestigious university. She also endured years of child abuse, spent time in foster care and is a proud atheist. There are a lot of famous children’s advocates who are teaching against God’s order for the family. I understand children need a voice and should not be abused. On the other hand, I respect the hierarchy God designed for the family. Parents outrank their children within the home. Our parents will remain our parents even as we mature.
With so many children advocates, educators and Child Services telling children that they do not have to honor their parents, why would children do so? Due to my profession, I am witnessing the transference of power from parents to children. Children are being put in a position to make adult decisions beyond their level of maturity which is contributing to the rebellion all of us are witnessing. I’ve seen an increase of children fighting their parents because they do not want to go to school, church, chores, go to bed, hand over their cell phones, clean their bedrooms, follow household rules or simply be respectful. I’ve heard children say that their parents have to “earn their respect” and as a child they can make their own decisions. I know the bible speaks of lawlessness and rebellion but it’s still unnerving. I do not see a lot of honor or respect let alone obeying parents. Over and over, I tell children that their parents are not asking them to do anything unreasonable by asking them to do chores, go to school or simply be respectful.
I was raised in a home and era whereas all of us were taught to honor our parents. “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise; that it will be well with you and you may live long on the earth” (Ephesians 6:1-3). Honoring your father and mother is one of the Ten Commandments and it comes with a promise. The promise is that it will be well with you and you may live long on the earth. Jesus, who is the Son of God, submitted himself to his earthly parents. All of us should follow the example of Jesus. Obeying our parents is the same as honoring them. While we are required to honor our parents, that does not include ungodly parents. There are some parents who will tell their children to do things that contradict God’s commands. This blog does not support a child being told to do things that are demeaning, destructive or abusive.
The purpose of this blog is to tell children to honor their father and mother because it is the right thing to do. We may not like our parent’s methods but good parents have your best interest in mind by establishing household rules. God’s commandments and parent’s rules are not put in place to hinder us but to guide and protect. The Hebrew word for honor means to be heavy, hard and burdensome. The Greek word for honor means to revere, a prize, and value. If I can be honest, honoring your parents can be heavy, hard and burdensome, especially if they are addicts, abusive, mentally ill and mean-spirited. Honoring your parents will not always be fun or easy. Most of the time it is not possible to do it in our own strength and that is why we need the Holy Spirit. Honoring our parents glorify God (Colossians 3:20). Don’t you want to live a life pleasing unto God? Don’t you want to live long and be blessed? I know I do. You can start by obeying God first and your parents second.