We have always lived in times of trusting. Yet it’s nothing that we always have done. We typically try to do things ourselves first. We typically try to control situations and outcomes, only to make a bigger mess than we anticipated.
We have to truly learn to trust the Lord and realize our emotions and His voice are two different things. Many times we can have a strong feeling within us and think it’s the Lord or Holy Spirit. Later we find out that it was just us. I will share a personal example that happened to me years ago.
There was a guy that I was interested in and we eventually took a chance and started to get to know each other. Everything was going well. Neither one of us were compromising, our conversations stayed pure and honestly I strongly felt that the connection I had to him meant he was the one.
Imagine my surprise when close to a year later, he decided that a relationship wasn’t what he wanted and walked away from me with no explanation. I was very hurt and I remember asking God why did this happen? I said, Lord You told me to trust You. Immediately, I heard in my spirit, Yes I did but it wasn’t pertaining to that guy. I was telling you to trust Me period. Ouch.
You may be thinking how does this even apply to me? I have more serious things going on then this example that was used. Maybe so, but the bottom line is we have to trust the Lord in the big things as well as the small things. God is concerned with everything that concerns us.
We have a tendency to minimize other people’s situations and even our own with the adage of “Well, someone else has it worse than I have”. Maybe so, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter to God. Maybe if we fully understood that what affects us is important to God then we might have more empathy. We wouldn’t be so quick to give unsolicited advice. We also wouldn’t be so presumptuous to tell others how they feel when we don’t know. At the end of the day, in 1 Peter 5:7 (NKJV), The Lord tells us to cast all our cares upon Him because He cares for us, for a specific reason.